“Liberty and Sexuality in the Burger Court,” in Bernard Schwartz, ed., The Burger Court: Counter-Revolution or Confirmation? (New York: Oxford University Press, 1998), pp. 83-92.

“The Civil Rights Era: 1946 to 1965,” in Debra Newman Ham, ed., The African American Odyssey (Washington, D.C.: Library of Congress, 1998), pp. 105-121.

“The Symbolic Justice,” Washington Monthly 30 (November 1998): 42-44. (Juan Williams, Thurgood Marshall: American Revolutionary).

“Walking the Walk,” Southern Changes 20 (Summer 1998): 23-25. (David Halberstam, The Children, & John Lewis, Walking With the Wind).

“[James Earl Ray,] Triumphant in Death,” Salon Magazine, 28 April 1998.

“Dissenting Opinion,” New York Times Book Review, 19 April 1998,  pp. 26-27. (Edward Lazarus, Closed Chambers).

“Mississippi’s Spy Secrets,” Newsweek, 30 March 1998, p. 15.

“New ‘Leads’ in King Case Invariably Go Nowhere,” Atlanta Journal Constitution, 29 March 1998, pp. C1-C2.

“Marching Through ’64,” Wilson Quarterly 22 (Spring 1998): 98-101. (Taylor Branch,  Pillar of Fire).

“All Over But the Legislating,” New York Times Book Review, 25 January 1998, pp. 14-16. (James Risen & Judy L. Thomas, Wrath of Angels, Cynthia Gorney, Articles of Faith, and Rickie Solinger, ed., Abortion Wars).

“Abortion and the Future,” Chicago Tribune, 21 January 1998, p. 13;  Newsday, 20 January 1998, p. A31.

“The Reach of Roe,” Washington Post, 18 January 1998,  pp. C1, C6.

“The Right to Die: Death With Dignity in America,” Mississippi Law Journal 68 (Winter 1998-99): 407-430.