“A Tribute to Martin Luther King, Jr.,” in Jeannine Swift, ed., Dream and Reality: The Modern Black Struggle for Freedom and Equality (Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1991), pp. 13-17.

“The Rise and Fall of Adam Clayton Powell,” Boston Globe, 3 November1991, pp. 91, 94. (Charles V. Hamilton, Adam Clayton Powell, Jr.).

“What Hoover Knew,” Newsday, 8 September 1991, pp. 41-42. (Curt Gentry, J. Edgar Hoover, & Athan Theoharis, From the Secret Files of J. Edgar Hoover).

“Is There A Correct Way To Be Black?,”  New York Times Book Review, 1 September 1991, pp. 1, 16-17. (Stephen L. Carter, Reflections of An Affirmative Action Baby).

“King’s Plagiarism: Imitation, Insecurity, and Transformation,” Journal of American History 78 (June 1991): 86-92.

“Freedom Road: The Pathfinders,” Los Angeles Times Book Review, 17 March 1991, pp. 2, 8. (Fred Powledge, Free At Last?) (Reprinted in Rights 37 [July-August 1991]: 4-5).

“When Black America Moved North,” Newsday, 3 March 1991, pp. 21, 24. (Nicholas Lemann, The Promised Land).

“Challenging the Critics of JFK’s New Frontier,” Boston Globe, 20 January 1991, pp. A42-43. (Irving Bernstein, Promises Kept).

“Rowan Breaks No Barriers in Cheap-Shooting Memoir,” Atlanta Journal-Constitution, 6 January 1991, p. N-9. (Carl T. Rowan, Breaking Barriers: A Memoir).

“Where Martin Luther King, Jr. Was Going: Where Do We Go From Here and the Traumas of the Post-Selma Movement,” Georgia Historical Quarterly 75 (Winter 1991): 719-736. (Reprinted in Faith and Freedom 2 [December 1993]: 26-32).